Week 2: Overview of Social Media

In today’s world, participating in social media has become a routine habit for most of us. It comes into play just as regularly as eating, sleeping, or other daily functions. We check constantly for notifications, or engage with others over chat or through images and video. We don’t even realize just how much we are using it, as it’s just something we’ve unconsciously blended into our daily lives. But why is it so successful at getting our attention, and how do businesses use it to their advantage? If you’re like me (and most of today’s generation), the first thing you do is check your phone when you wake up in the morning. You check it for interactions: missed calls, texts, emails, or most often, social media notifications. People crave interaction, and that’s why social media is so engrossing to us. We want to know what other’s are up to. We want to see those cute dog pictures, and hear about those places, and talk about those experiences. We want to be noticed. That is why, on ...